Experiential Marketing & Event Company

Spectrum Check-in Carts Program

Spectrum Store front 01-06-22.jpg

As part of the reopening of Spectrum stores, Roadwerx produced customized check-in carts and distributed them across the country for the Spectrum Reception teams to safely make first contact with customers outside their premises. This allowed Spectrum to control the number of customers inside, manage customer expectations, while providing some refreshments.

Roadwerx retrofitted a hotel housekeeping cart as it provided ample storage, working areas, and industrial wheels that made for easy maneuvering regardless of the store locations’ terrain. To shield employees from the elements, the cart was customized to accept an outdoor patio umbrella. Large vibrant signage provided easy-to-follow instructions for customers to check-in. The cart was further customized with a hand sanitizer dispenser mounted to the top, and a large cooler mounted on the side for serving chilled bottled waters. The cart's ample storage was utilized for for holding customers' returning equipment for them while they waited to be seen.